By Capital Tonight Staff

The race for the 22nd Congressional District is a pretty close one, according to an exclusive Time Warner Cable News-Siena poll.

Republican Richard Hanna is leaving office in November, leaving a three-way race for his seat. 35 percent of voters polled say they would vote for Claudia Tenney on the Republican line; 30 percent would vote for Democrat Kim Myers; and 24 percent would vote for Martin Babinec, who is running on the Upstate Jobs party line.

11 percent of those polled answered “don’t know or no opinion” on this question.

Steve Greenberg joined Capital Tonight to break down the numbers in the poll. Watch Video!


Martin Babinec is in this race!NEXT -> Martin Babinec, a political newcomer, is gaining unprecedented momentum with voters as his independent messages focused on cultivating and investing in our home grown job creators is taking off. Here’s a breakdown of the three-way race that’s making national headlines.