“Rarely do we see a truly competitive three-way race, but that is certainly what is playing out in NY 22.”

New Time Warner News – Siena College Poll shows Martin Babinec drawing support across political, demographic and geographic spectrum proving this Third Party candidate is making unprecedented gains.


TWC - Siena Poll VideoLittle Falls, New York – In a poll released last night by Time Warner News / Siena College, Independent, Reform and Upstate Jobs candidate Martin Babinec emerged as a real contender in the race to succeed retiring Congressman Richard Hanna.

Babinec, a political newcomer, is gaining unprecedented momentum with voters as his independent message focused on cultivating and investing in our home grown job creators is taking off.  The three way race has career politicians Claudia Tenney and Kim Myers with the support of 35% and 30% of likely voters respectively and first time independent candidate Martin Babinec with 24% support.

Siena College pollster Steve Greenberg said, “Rarely do we see a truly competitive three-way race but that is certainly what is playing out in NY 22.”

Added Liz Benjamin, the host of Time Warners’ Capital Tonight, “We can’t call him a spoiler.”

The poll also showed the Independent Babinec drawing equally across the demographic, political and geographic spectrum of the district.

Greenberg said, “Babinec, drawing votes from across the board, has between 22 and 25 percent support from voters of every party, region and gender.”

The Time Warner/Siena College poll is generally consistent with other recent polling data demonstrating Babinec’s sustained growth.

Greenberg concluded that with forty days left till Election Day there is an opening for Babinec with “a sizable percentage that have not made up their mind yet.”

“Our campaign is not a moment, it’s a movement – as voters disgusted with career politicians and the same old failed solutions are gravitating to our message,” said Babinec.


Largest Congressional Petition Effort in New York State HistoryNEXT -> Each week leading up to election day on November 8th, Martin Babinec will release a new issue important to the voters of District 22. Learn more about where Martin Babinec stands on Job Creation, Public Education and Tax & Regulatory Reform.