Martin Babinec currently has far more support than the usual third-party contender
Spoiler alert in his unpredictable New York House race
The National Journal reports on Martin Babinec’s third-party campaign grabbing a fifth of the vote in recent polls, creating an, “Increasingly unpredictable race in a top House battleground district in central New York…with the potential to play spoiler to either his Democratic or Republican opponent.”
In an interview with National Journal, Babinec describes himself as a fiscally conservative and proponent of lower taxes and small government. He will be running on the Reform and Upstate Jobs Party ballot lines, and he said he isn’t worried about how his opponents try to brand him.
“The jobs message and what I stand for as an independent candidate is being embraced by the broad spectrum,” Babinec told the National Journal. “It’s not about trying to fit into a tight ideological box.”
Babinec continued to say his recent polling is proof he is more than a spoiler. While theĀ National Journal reports some local Republicans predict Babinec is more likely to splinter the GOP vote because Tenney is too conservative for the moderate-learning district.
The National Journal continued to share how Tenney isn’t national Republicans’ preferred candidate, while reporting retiring Republican Representative Richard Hanna as saying he won’t back Assemblywoman Tenney and she can’t win.
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