What Upstate Job Creators are Saying About Martin Babinec
John Miller is the Founder and CEO of SmartEarly Learning Centers
In August, the Babinec Campaign hosted a “job creator” event bringing together more than 20 entrepreneurs, with approximately 1,150 employees, at Martin’s home in Little Falls. Throughout the next week, the campaign will release individual testimonials from many of the job creators who attended that event.
Here is what John Miller, Founder & CEO of SmartEarly Learning Centers has to say:
“When I heard Martin was running for Congress the first thing I thought was finally an honest politician.”“Martin’s biggest asset is he’s a connector he knows a lot of people who brings a lot of people together.”“I’ve seen what he’s done and he’s been able to help companies grow.”“When he makes a connection he makes it a value so if he finds an entrepreneur that needs help he knows someone that can help them.”“I think if we have more people like Martin…we’re going to have a better economy up here in upstate.”
SmartEarly Learning Centers is an American operator of for-profit child care and early childhood education. Founded in 2013, it has quickly become the premier child care and early education center in upstate NY. John is a mentor in StartFast Venture Accelerator, and member of UVC’s UNY50 Entrepreneurial Leadership Network.
To learn more about John Miller and his company SmartEarly Learning Centers go to https://smartearly.com/

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