By: Melissa Krull | TWC News
LITTLE FALLS, N.Y. — For Superintendent Levatino, it’s all about moving the Little Falls City School District forward.
“We were able to order 241 Chrome books, 41 of which went to faculty members and 100 each to grade levels, specifically grade six and 10,” said Little Falls City School District Superintendent of Schools, Keith Levatino.
Through the Smart Schools Bond Act of 2014, the district could get more updated technology and funding for other improvements.
“Specifically, it’s more geared for infrastructure as well as security upgrades which our district has already implemented,” said Levatino.
The planning process for how the district would use the money had a jumpstart in the form of an $80,000 donation.
The money came from Martin Babinec, a candidate in the 22nd Congressional District race.
The $80,000 donation was made in increments over time, well before the resident became a politician. So the superintendent says there’s no need for concern.
“From the school district’s point of view, we’re indebted to him. Not at all. He reached out to us well beyond even thinking any political or seeking political office or public office. Like I mentioned earlier, this was well over a year ago,” said Levatino.
The superintendent said anyone can decide to give to the district.
“Community members can donate to schools, you follow a detailed board policy on how it’s accepted. Donations must be approved by the Board of Education,” said Levatino.
Superintendent Levatino has submitted the board’s approved plan to the State Education Department.
How much money the district receives will be determined after the State Education Department reviews the plan.
[…] in what we call “innovation industries.” So the commitments I have made, including to my local school district in Little Falls, is to help accelerate the process of advancing the digital curriculum – having teachers […]