In his first-ever campaign for public office, independent candidate for Congress, successful businessman, serial entrepreneur, startup investor and Upstate jobs advocate Martin Babinec upset career politician Claudia Tenney assuring himself a ballot spot on the Reform Party line in November.
“Securing a spot on the November ballot is an important milestone in our movement,” said Babinec. “I’m honored to have the support of rank and file Reform Party members and will keep my pledge to oppose Common Core and fight for term limits. The major parties have time and again failed to deliver either the right candidates or policies to sustain job creation in upstate New York. I am not a career politician, I won’t accept PAC money – my only special interest is the people of the 22nd Congressional District.”
Team Babinec won the opportunity to ballot, ousting Tenney from the line, by waging an intense write-in campaign.
“The strong grassroots support we enjoyed among Reform Party regulars is indicative of voters willingness to buck the status quo and support a different path than offered up by the two major party candidates,” Babinec said.
Even with the Reform Party line secured, Babinec will continue to focus his energies on the effort to gather signatures to qualify the Upstate Jobs Party as an independent party line for the November ballot, which he announced last week. Babinec has pledged to grow the Upstate Jobs Party as a vehicle to engage voters, elected officials and communities in supporting efforts to grow jobs with the talent and resources already in the region.
The petition process requires at least 3,500 signatures registered voters, of any party or no party, throughout the district who have not signed another congressional petition this election cycle. There are approximately registered 435,500 voters in the 22nd Congressional District.
“I’m urging interested citizens, concerned parents, college students, entrepreneurs of all ages and volunteers to join us at our office 12 Liberty St., Utica, or visit our website at to get involved,” Babinec said.
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