By: WIBX950 | Keeler in the Morning
In a recent interview with on WIBX Keeler in the Morning, Martin Babinec discusses how voters across the 22nd District are expressing their concerns with both major party candidates. Keeler comments how this makes NY’s 22nd Congressional race similar to our 2016 presidential race saying, we have relative unknown in Kim Meyers on the Democratic line and given Claudia Tenney’s many foes and great deal of resistance, voters could see Martin Babinec as a candidate, “Ready to go.”
Take a listen to Martin Babinec’s response about the freedom surrounding being an independent candidate, beholden to no one but the voters. And find out why so many voters are gravitating to his campaign.
Next -> During Martin Babinec’s radio interview on Keeler in the Morning, one of the hosts commented that Assemblywoman Tenney had texted the show’s producer nearly 20 times with questions including whether Babinec is accepting PAC money. Babinec responded by reinforcing his commitment to not accept special interest money, and confirmed his campaign is largely self funded. To this Keeler says, “It’s about damn time that somebody out there is spending their own money!”
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